Ecorote company founded in 2004, based in Wola Rafałowska, near Rzeszów. Initially, it specialized in the processing of steel and cast iron elements. Since 2006, it has been producing pulleys for Volkswagen engines. In 2009-2012, the company implemented a project to expand the production hall, introducing new technologies and expanding the offer to include the production of elements from steel and non-ferrous sheets. In 2015, modern vertical wind turbines were introduced, which have gained recognition on the European market. Currently Ecorote is a leading manufacturer of vertical axis wind turbines.
Ecorote’s offer includes:
Cooperation products include pulleys for Mercedes car engines, clutches for high-power transmissions, suspension bushings for BMW engines, engine mounting elements, tractor suspension elements and trailer axles.
Ecorote is constantly developing its business, investing in new technologies and innovative solutions to meet the expectations of customers around the world.